When I used to be younger my favorite hobby was to run a lot, I used to run like almost 3 miles a day or even more, and I never got tired of doing that because I it was one of my favorite thing to do when I was upset of something or when I didn't had nothing to do, so thats all I did, when I was like that because in that time, there was no other thing to do, sometimes I just played with the neighbors but I didn't felt the same as running.
Other thing that I still like is math, when I used to be in 7th & 8th grade I was very good with math, something start happening to me, because I start to get of out school with out asking, and all I did was to leave school and go with friends that all they wanted it to goo out of school, and by doing that my grade of math was going down so when it was almost to finish with 8th grade I looked at my grades and they were all bad, I tried my best to earn them back but I didn't.
When I start 9th grade I start to play handball, I was not very good at it at that time, but I was trying myself to be better, and I stared to play more and more, and after I was play better but there was others that were better than me, but I stared to go more to play and after like 6 moths later I was still playing and by my 10th grade I got better and almost no body couldn't win me, and I still play but am better now then before I played.
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